My Support System

My Support System
I have the best time with these guys

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feeling Better

Okay, I feel better.  I know it is all the prayers being said on my behalf.  I feel more energy.  I feel grateful for all that I have in my life.  I know it has to do with all the good people in my life and the Lord looking after me through those people. 

I have decided that I am going to live each day with a positive attitude and fight!  Heck ya, I have my fiesty self back.  Hello, self...where have you been lately?  I know that I was in my "dark days" because of my surgery.  I know that I will have rough days ahead but I have more days...that is the positive side. 

I am still getting my expanders filled in Salt Lake each week. I am almost done.  Then I start radiation.  This will be a much better experience then Chemo, I just know it.  I have faith that it will.  It is going to go in there and kill all those stupid microscopic cancer cells.  I say, "Die you cells!"  Then I can go on with my life and enjoy things again that I miss, like excercise! 

One of the things I have been struggling with is my arms.  My lymphatic system is all screwed up because of my surgery.  They removed lymph nodes in both arms.  My arms hurt.  I went to see my OT and it felt so great.  She gave me some things to do to help but I think I just need more time.  Also, my back is all sort of messed up because of the expanders.  I can't do much with it either, I just have to be patient.  That is hard for me to do. 

Ryan wrote a sweet essay about his hero.  He showed it to me.  It said, "My mom is my hero.  She fights breast cancer.  She takes care of my baby brother even though she just had sugery.  My mom is strong and she is my hero."  I did hold it together while he was around.  I love these kids, they are my reason to keep fighting.  Them and my husband.  Life is good.  God is good.  Thank you God for allowing me to be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a sister, a daughter and a friend.  I have a good life and I want to give back!

(This is Ryan)

My next move is Denium Days.  Yes, I am trying to put together something for October.  I see our district superientendent tomorrow.  I want to present this opportunity for Breast Cancer Awareness.  I feel like everyone around me has given me SOOOO much that I want to give back.  The school has been so great and understanding through this whole process.  My co-workers are amazing.  The community is amazing.  I have been blessed through this whole thing and I need to share!  Ok, here's how it should go.  First, my co-workers can donate $5.00 to breast cancer research and then they would be allowed to wear denium to work on a chosen day.  I would also propose they wear pink shirts to match.  We would invite the students to join in with us.  It is an easy fundraiser and all the money earned would go to breast cancer research.  It is sponsered by Lee Jeans.  I did this in CA and it worked pretty well.  If my boss doesn't go for the denium, we could always wear PINK!  Wish me luck tomorrow.  I always get so nervous but I feel strongly about this and I know I could do this one thing to help.  Lee Denim Day October 2012

Enjoy your day!

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