My Support System

My Support System
I have the best time with these guys

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Well, more confusion.  My inhibin A is elevated to 115, normal is 97.  Also, my big cyst (8 cm)  is a complex cyst.  This is what I found about them.  Complex ovarian cysts are very rare but they can cause many serious problems and complications, including emotional isolation because of the condition.

Causes of Complex Ovarian Cyst

Complex ovarian cyst, unlike a functional ovarian cyst does not start during the normal function of a menstrual cycle. The cause or causes have not been identified. There are several risk factors known to be associated with its formation:
  • genetic predisposition
  • early onset of menstruation (younger than 12 years)
  • history of irregular menstrual cycles or previous ovarian cysts
  • hypothyroidism
  • obesity or increase in upper body fat
  • infertility and infertility treatment (clomiphene or letrozole)
  • tamoxifen (for treatment of breast cancer)  *BINGO*
If I hear the word RARE regarding something that happens to me one more time, I will seriously scream.  I should play the lottery.  First, my IUD perforated (1:1,000 women) Second, breast cancer at the age of 33 (1:227 women) and now this.  Hummm.....
 My doctor is referring me to an gyn. oncologist is Salt Lake City.  Really, another oncologist?  This CANNOT be happening.  I am sure that it has to do with my tamoxifen.  I guess the specialist will be able to decide when to operate, how and why.  If they go in and something isn't good, they will take my whole ovary out.  If it is cancer, then I will lose both ovaries.  This totally sucks.  Can I really have this bad of luck?  I guess last week was nice because I was busy and I didn't know about all of this crappy news.  Ignorance is bliss sometimes.

I am still happy, I love my life.  I just wish that my family could catch a break.  I don't know if my kids can go through this again.  They need a regular mom who cooks pancakes in the morning and whistles while she is cleaning the house.  Normalcy would be nice people.

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