My Support System

My Support System
I have the best time with these guys

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kind words

All of your kind words have meant a lot to me. I have been down most of the week. I am still sick to my stomach...yuck! The metallic taste is coming in my mouth also. Aren't I lucky? I made it to church today...thanks to Penny, my awesome mother in law. I almost made it through without crying until the song, "Where can I turn for peace?" was sang. I cried, then I was mad because I let myself get so emotional. I just wish there was a fast forward button on my life... This is my hardest challenge yet.


  1. I cried in church today, too. Our relief society lesson was on life after death and loss of loved ones. The teacher (who is new to the ward) obviously did not know of my recent tragedy. I fought the tears until the volcano finally just erupted from the building pressure, and I had to leave. A few women followed me out to comfort me, because they knew -- everyone had been watching me. I probably created quite the scene, as my audible sniffs and grand exit were a little hard to miss. I hate how we become such a spectacle when our hearts can't keep the agony hidden any longer. By the way, "Where Can I Turn For Peace" was one of the hymns we sang at my son's funeral. That would have got to me too.

  2. take it a day at a time.... that's all you have to do..... xoxo
